URDU, Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu - Karachi


Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu Pakistan
ISSN (print): 2519-6332
ISSN (online): 2708-1915

Asar-us-Sanadeed is a book published by Sir Siyed about the ancient monuments of Delhi from the medieval era. Sir Siyed was an eminent personality of the 19th century who delved in a long list of intellactual pursuits during his lifetime. These works of his have continued to be looked at and analyzed using diffrent prisms long after his passing. It can be said that the events of 1857 brought a major change in Sir Syed's thinking and his world view which,in turn, led to him becoming one of the major voices of 19th century. Asar-us-Sanadeed is an example of the intellectual and literary capabilities of man and can be used to understant his appreciation of history and archaeology as well as its implication for the present and the future. However, it is saddening that the book is still surrouned by a mist of uncertainty and controversy. Through the book is a major archaeological account that cannot be ignored, questions around it have lingered and have never been quite fully tackled and answered. These include concerns around when and how the book was published, who is the actual writer of the book, is it the first book of its kind, what were the reasons behind the conceptions of the book, and who was the intended audience for it etc. These are the major themes that this artical attempts to explore. Research brings us to the conclusion that the book was indeed written by Sir Syed with Imran Baksh Sehbai providing help and support. Sir Syed did not seems to have major monetary considerations in mind while attempting the book but was simply aimingto grab the attention of the Britishers. The book was also aimed to serve as a guide for the various visitors who came to Dehli and were interested in monuments of a bygone era. Asar-us-Sanadeed can be said to be the first book of its kind in Urdu language, through books tackling a subject of such nature had been published in English and Persian etc. Before 1847 as well. Allegation that Sir Syed plagiarized these works without giving due credit turn out to be unfounded. In conclusion, Asar-us-Sanadeed can be said to have opened new avenues for research and exploration around archaeology as well as having brought Sir Syed to national prominence as an author, a cultured scholar and an intellectual.


Assistant Professor (Urdu), Women's College Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India


  • furqansambhali@gmail.com
  • 0091 7983954411


Type: Article
Volume: 96
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 5ef9e220bdd89
Pages 112 - 129
Discipline: Arts & Humanities
Published June 30, 2020


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