URDU, Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu - Karachi


Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu Pakistan
ISSN (print): 2519-6332
ISSN (online): 2708-1915

Urdu Lughat (in historical principle) is a lughat of Urdu Dictionary Board that has been compiled in the light of historical principles, which is relied upon and liked owing to its comprehensiveness, research and diversity. While compiling its lughat (on historical princples), this is prime obligation of Urdu Lughat Board to incorporate and follow such principles.The leading one is to follow the historical principles themselves i.e. reference and its periodic referenc while as well as quoting of most of the contents from already existing or past dictionaries. A period of more than fifty two years has been elapsed of the printing of initial four volumes of Urdu Lughat (on historical principle) during which hundred of thousands of words have been incorporated in Urdu language. It will be well justified if such new words be included with their reference in the upcoming editions to make the Lughat as solid and firm.


Research Scholar, Department of Urdu, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


  • shehnazgul.abbasi@yahoo.com
  • 0092 306 2121864

Chairperson, Department of Urdu, University of Karachi.


  • tfirdaus@uok.edu.pk
  • 0092 333 3099369


Type: Article
Volume: 95
Issue: 2
Language: Urdu
Id: 5e8b7d8a9d60d
Pages 35 - 59
Discipline: Arts & Humanities
Published December 21, 2019


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